Friday, October 10, 2008

Young Millionaire

This is for the second time I have write a blog.... I have no idea what I want to share.I tried to pick one topic that interesting.Suddenly, I remember that I want to share about a person that a millionaire when he was 25 years old. He is Malaysian.His name is Irfan Khairi.Do you know about him ???

Irfan Khairi is one of people that I admired since I was form 4. I not admired him because his looks but about his success when he were very young.Since that, I had read many articles about him, his website and a few of his books..But I have no follow his life very frequently.I just think If i can be like him ??? So interesting.. His life as a millionaire in bussiness of Internet so simple not very complex. just like other person in this world..

When I was form 4,he was not so popular but nowadays he is very popular and give knowledge in IT by making some motivation session in Malaysia.

One day,I hope I can be like him. Success in what I have do and have a simple life with it.

Intro to IT

I am first year IT student, so I learn so many things about IT for the first time at UTHM. What I want to share with others is I learned subject Introduction to Information technology,BIT1023 and I think this subject is very interesting.Intro to IT is one of the subject that I like for this time.Why i said like that????

This subject is about introduction to IT,so is all about IT but just the intro not very details. So,it more relaxing and doesn't stressv me to learn that.That I can remember that I was leaarned about the input and output device. Even, I have take IT before in SPM, I realised I haven't know that so many new things .For instance,PDA. What I know PDA just PDA, a device for communicating.But when I learned Intro to IT, I just know that PDA have a pen that called stylus.So embrassing I haven't know this before.

This subject are explain about the life of IT. I also can come to IT world that very fast changing,so many modern things are published everyday. I can know about the latest technology.So how about you??? Do you have think the same??